Photograph by Ronald Scott
April 8, 2007, 4:00 p.m.
Unity Church of Dallas
6525 Forest Lane (between Preston and Hillcrest Roads)
in North Dallas
Tickets are only $5 at the door!
Sacred music is the vehicle for spiritual awakening in many world cultures, touching us all with a sense of peace, hope and connection with the Divine. For the second consecutive year, the DFW International Community Alliance will close its International DFW Month with a Global Sacred Music Celebration on Easter Sunday, April 8, at 4:00 p.m. at Unity Church of Dallas, 6525 Forest Lane (between Preston and Hillcrest Roads) in North Dallas. A dozen faiths and traditions will be represented in the two-hour concert that affirms our spiritual unity. Tickets for the Global Sacred Music Celebration are $5, and can be purchased in advance at
www.dfwinternational.org/festival/sacred. They will also be available at the door. Light refreshments will be served after the concert.The Global Sacred Music Celebration is the concluding event of International DFW International Month 2007, one of 20 collaborative events organized by the DFW International Community Alliance. The month highlights global cultures through programs that celebrate the pioneer spirit of the New Americans who make up 40% of our regions residents.Featured artists and traditions include:
Native American - Monica Peña
Polynesia - Zonia Velasco
Islam - Zakariah Gharabiyeh
Buddhism - Vietnamese Monks
Judaism - Miriam Kolni
African - Baba Kwasi
Christianity - Rev. Ed Townley
Acolhua / Quechua (Native American)
DFW International Unity Ensemble
Judaism - Shirat HaLev
Islam - Jamal Mohamed, Baba Kwasi, Mawardi Sherif
Buddhism - Cornell Kinderknecht, the Vietnamese Buddhist monks, Chi Sing
Hinduism - ExpressionsIndia
African Traditions - Baba Kwasi and Ayubu Kamau
Christianity - Parranda Venezuela
Christianity - Unity Choir
Santeria - DFW International Unity Ensemble
Christianity - Zonia Velasco
Unity of All Faiths - All
The Global Sacred Music Celebration is one of more than twenty events and activities taking place during DFW International Month, March 6 to April 8, 2007. Visit
http://www.dfwinternational.org/ or call 972-661-2764 for more information.DFW International Community Alliance is the portal for global North Texas, a network of 1,600 of the regions ethnic and internationally-focusedcivic, community and educational organizations. The organization promotes and links North Texas ethnic and immigrant groups through its website andcultural calendar at
http://www.dfwinternational.org/, that receives over ten million hits a month. Dallas International Month 2007 is made possiblethrough the support of the City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs and the Unity Church of Dallas with media support from KERA, Univision andTelefutura, CBS-11 and TXA 21.For additional information on the Global Sacred Music Celebration, to receive photos or schedule interviews, please contact Meg Fullwood with Fast Forward Productions at 214-946-9509 or by email at